ISSN 2226-7298


The “Gagarin Research & Test Cosmonaut Training Center” Federal State Budgetary Organization (“Gagarin R&T CTC” FSBO) has been publishing the scientific journal “Manned Spaceflight”, which covers a wide range of problems related to manned space missions since 2011. The journal is published four times a year.

 The journal publishes manuscripts associated with the following:

  •  Providing manned space programs;
  • Research and development work in the field of space exploration and creation of space engineering, cosmonaut training, safe staying of cosmonaut in orbit, post-flight rehabilitation of cosmonauts as well as the theory, designing and technology of flying vehicles, engines, etc.;
  • Computer systems;
  • Experimental studies;
  • Remote sensing of the Earth;
  • Problems of higher engineering education in the space industry/branch;
  • Problems of the introduction of nanotechnology for aviation and aerospace systems;
  • Robotic systems of space purpose.

The scientific journal “Manned Spaceflight” was registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications. Registration certificate ПИФС77-49205, 30.03.2012.

 The journal is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (РИНЦ)

The journal is included in the “List of peer-reviewed scientific publications that should contain the main scientific findings of thesis nominated for candidate and doctoral degree”, approved by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, on the following scientific specialties:

2.3.1 – Systems analysis, management and processing of information, statistics (technical sciences);

2.3.3 – Automation and control of the technological processes and production (technical sciences);

2.5.13 – Designing, construction, production, testing, and operation of flying vehicles (technical Sciences);

3.2.6 – Safety in emergency situations (medical sciences).

 The journal is classified in quartile K2 of the “Higher Attestation Commission List”. Publications in the journal are accepted upon admission to the defense of both doctoral and candidate theses are recognized by the scientific community and are one of the indicators of the scientific status of the published work.

“Manned Spaceflight” is a quarterly journal. It is distributed by subscription through post offices (subscription index in the “Press of Russia” union catalogue, Russian Post – 78820).

Editor-in-chief – Klimuk Pyotr Ilich, Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor

Regulation on Editorial Board and reviewing manuscripts for publication