Reconfigurable procedural simulator of aircrafts and helicopters
The reconfigurable procedural simulator of aircrafts and helicopters is intended to familiarize trainees with both crew training in Boeing 737-500, ATR-42-300 aircrafts and Mi-8-MTV, Mi-8T helicopters. The simulator allows implementing:
Take-off, ascent with a visible image of a region and sky line in day and night conditions;
workout of the piloting skills: en-route flight, descent, land approach and abandoned landing using integrated navigation system and aircraft equipment in the whole range of operating height and speed;
en-route flight operating using radio-technical and radar aids;
emergency descent;
circuit flying, land approach, landing and abandoned landing in minimum landing conditions;
run-on operation with use of available funds of braking action;
transmitting and receiving service with ground and intercommunication;
visual land approach.