S&TC is an advisory agency for the Chief of the GCTC and is responsible for making single scientific and technical policy of the main areas of the GCTC activity.
The following problems and issues are submitted for consideration by S&TC and its sections:
Organization and execution of cosmonaut candidate selection (astronauts, spaceflight participants).
Scientific-methodic support at each stage of cosmonaut training (basic training, advanced training, increment-specific training).
Organization and execution of cosmonaut (astronaut) medical examination, medical support, and post-flight rehabilitation.
Execution of fundamental, exploratory and system research as well as development works applicable to space exploration.
Scientific and technical support as well as expert examination of both manned vehicles and Cosmonaut Training Technical Facilities (CTTF) designing, participation in manned vehicle flight tests, ground tests of CTTF, systems, assemblies, and equipment of manned vehicle.
Evaluation of spaceflight safety and manned vehicle reliability, ergonomic evaluation of manned vehicle.
Upgrading of both the cosmonaut training information support system and manned vehicle onboard information system.
Evaluation of the scope and content of cosmonaut advanced and increment-specific training programs.
Evaluation of flight programs of primary expedition crews and visiting crews as well as applied research program and experiments aboard manned vehicle.
Analysis of cosmonaut (astronaut) activity aboard manned vehicle during their primary/visiting expedition flight program.
Development of proposals for Russian federal space program, manned cosmonautics draft regulations.
Organization and execution of the natural resources aerospace observation and ecological monitoring of the Earth.
Determination of perspective areas of the GCTC activity and possibility of new technologies introduction.
Development and proper use of existing and future manned vehicles.
Review of fundamental documents’ drafts of the main areas of the GCTC activity.
Projects of the perspective and annual scientific research plans of the GCTC.
Ways of solving mobilization and defensive tasks of the GCTC.
Review of programs and procedures of specific, scientific, engineering, medical, and technical experiments and research planned to be held aboard manned vehicle.
Nomination of cosmonauts for assigning them proficiency qualification.
Organization, scope, and content of specialized parachute training of cosmonauts (astronauts), security concerns of flight operations.
Areas for improvement of the GCTC organizational structure.
Analysis of scientific activity of the Center as a whole and its subdivisions as well as introduction and implementation of research results.
Review of tactical/technical requirements and technical design assignments concerning space engineering models, cosmonaut training facilities, and the Center’s entities.
Problems of researchers’ training at the GCTC.
Nomination of the GCTC personnel to award them the governmental and other prizes for works that satisfy the relevant requirements as well as the honorary degrees of the Russian Federation.
At the direction of Roscosmos, Chief and Scientific Deputy Chief of the GCTC other issues may be discussed in the S&TC sessions.